Crimson Skins – Robert G. Wertzler

Was it a kind of osmosis cultural absorbing leaning to color devils bright red, crimson? Now I see so many red faced and fiery eyed spittle spraying from screaming mouths consumed, roasted like those devils in fire of hate but there is a hell behind the mask of hate a torment of fear and asContinue reading “Crimson Skins – Robert G. Wertzler”

Daily Creativity Prompt – Crimson Skins

In honor of its 5th anniversary, Indie Blu(e) Publishing and Brave & Reckless are teaming up this November to sponsor a series of 30 daily creativity prompts, comprised of the titles of our 25 published books and four upcoming titles, along with a couple fun phrases to round it out. We think our book titlesContinue reading “Daily Creativity Prompt – Crimson Skins”

Crimson Skins Now Available Through Pothi

Indie Blu(e) Publishing is thrilled to announce that Devika Mathur’s stunning poetry volume, Crimson Skins, is now available in India through Pothi. We hope that this will make the book much more accessible to Devika’s many fans. Crimson Skins is available through,, Book Depository, Barnes and Noble, Bookswagon, and other major online book retailers.

Olive Skin – Devika Mathur (An Excerpt from Crimson Skins)

My Mother has a concave slippery mouth,untouchable with the slick tunes of time.She carries nostalgia,like an offering,a seduction performedin the onyx of mouths colliding.A star shadowmolten in pieceswith liquid layers of murmurssticking to her bare belly button.Lipids resting like a heavy eyelid.She stitches her concrete bun,as a belt of Gangesher crisp breaths floatingto tangle theContinue reading “Olive Skin – Devika Mathur (An Excerpt from Crimson Skins)”

Kristiana Reed Interviews Indie Blu(e) Author Devika Mathur

KRISTIANA: Crimson Skins is your second poetry collection, what has been the most rewarding part of reaching the point of publication? DEVIKA: Over the years I have grown into a more persistent writer honing my writing skills. The process of collecting art pieces and turning them all beautifully into a book takes a lot of creativity and patience. AsContinue reading “Kristiana Reed Interviews Indie Blu(e) Author Devika Mathur”