Porcelain Doll Man – Candice Louisa Daquin

it is you who is made of insubstantial weave you who breaks with a clumsy elbow you who shatters, starlight on floor you who turns to ruin before meal is eaten you who protests to a silent raining forest you who lets down, before you stand up in this, you are a porcelain doll yourselfContinue reading “Porcelain Doll Man – Candice Louisa Daquin”

Fairy of Disenchantment – Candice Louisa Daquin

Diane Nyad said women are erased we should purpose the skies with our retaliation become dragons, warriors, remind ourselves if some turn away others listen. I wake bilious and grey, my shoulder aches, my skin is dry the moisture of me seems missing I recall swimming in the sea as a child, how nothing andContinue reading “Fairy of Disenchantment – Candice Louisa Daquin”

Daily Creativity Prompt – Fairy of Disenchantment

In honor of its 5th anniversary, Indie Blu(e) Publishing and Brave & Reckless are teaming up this November to sponsor a series of 30 daily creativity prompts, comprised of the titles of our 25 published books and four upcoming titles, along with a couple fun phrases to round it out. We think our book titlesContinue reading “Daily Creativity Prompt – Fairy of Disenchantment”

Congratulations Indie Blu(e) Publishing’s Pushcart Poetry Prize Nominee; Sun Hesper Jansen

Sun Hesper Jansen (she/they) is a poet, writer, and artist from Madison, Wisconsin, who works in the darker genres of fantasy, science fiction, and magical realism. Her collection of poetry and artwork, Fairy of Disenchantment, was published in 2023 by Indie Blu(e) Publishing, and she blogs as literary therapy for Multiple Sclerosis on WordPress atContinue reading “Congratulations Indie Blu(e) Publishing’s Pushcart Poetry Prize Nominee; Sun Hesper Jansen”

Now Available: Fairy of Disenchantment by Sun Hesper Jansen

“This book is a spell.  In Fairy of Disenchantment Sun Hesper Jansen weaves her pen like a needle through essays, poetry and prose poems, to stitch together the open wounds of invisible illness, tristesse and being human.”  —Amy Torok, co-author of Missing Witches and New Moon Magic “Each poem and artwork in Sun Hesper Jansen’s erudite first book, Fairy of Disenchantment,Continue reading “Now Available: Fairy of Disenchantment by Sun Hesper Jansen”