Book Untitled – Georgiann Carlson

everyone told her to write her life’s story so she did in four weeks the words pouring out of her so quickly she could barely type fast enough and when it was finished it was rushed into print ready for the public in time for the holidays but the cover was blank the book wasContinue reading “Book Untitled – Georgiann Carlson”

Porcelain Doll Man – Georgiann Carlson

there’s a new man in town one who is more delicate less able to cope one who needs more attention mothering protection from the harsh realities of life he’s breakable at times helpless life is hard confusing and he’s sensitive easily hurt he’s the new Porcelain Doll Man a child in a man’s body oneContinue reading “Porcelain Doll Man – Georgiann Carlson”

Dark Objects – Georgiann Carlson

there’s nothing darker than religion than the rape, torture and murder of innocent children the unrealistic demands made on brainwashed adults who continue to support the evil the greed hatred and violence the lies and payoffs the stealing and killing the collusion subterfuge the hidden assets religion is one of the Dark Objects in theContinue reading “Dark Objects – Georgiann Carlson”

Moonglow On Mercy Street – Georgiann Carlson

Mercy was a sad little street inhabited by sad little people who had been beaten down by life sucked dry and left to die in a slow slide toward the other side a street that looked better in the dark when all of its flaws were hidden in shadow but some knew there was moreContinue reading “Moonglow On Mercy Street – Georgiann Carlson”

We Are Not Okay – Georgiann Carlson

women are conditioned brainwashed into believing they are okay when they have NEVER had the freedom to find out who they are what they can accomplish what it feels like to be SAFE we are not okay we don’t know what okay is we are supposed to believe that if we have shelter food aContinue reading “We Are Not Okay – Georgiann Carlson”