Olive Skin – Devika Mathur (An Excerpt from Crimson Skins)

My Mother has a concave slippery mouth,untouchable with the slick tunes of time.She carries nostalgia,like an offering,a seduction performedin the onyx of mouths colliding.A star shadowmolten in pieceswith liquid layers of murmurssticking to her bare belly button.Lipids resting like a heavy eyelid.She stitches her concrete bun,as a belt of Gangesher crisp breaths floatingto tangle theContinue reading “Olive Skin – Devika Mathur (An Excerpt from Crimson Skins)”

The Innocence Is Haunting: Excerpt from Rachel Finch’s A Sparrow Stirs its Wings

We were timid girls, that hadn’t known it until we weren’t anymore. Taught how to keep our lips closed and our legs open, too small to know why until the first hit, too small to know how to stop the next. We were a little nest of sparrows, huddling to keep warm when the darkContinue reading “The Innocence Is Haunting: Excerpt from Rachel Finch’s A Sparrow Stirs its Wings”