Moonglow On Mercy Street – Georgiann Carlson

Mercy was a sad little street inhabited by sad little people who had been beaten down by life sucked dry and left to die in a slow slide toward the other side a street that looked better in the dark when all of its flaws were hidden in shadow but some knew there was moreContinue reading “Moonglow On Mercy Street – Georgiann Carlson”

Daily Creativity Prompt – Moonglow on Mercy Street

In honor of its 5th anniversary, Indie Blu(e) Publishing and Brave & Reckless are teaming up this November to sponsor a series of 30 daily creativity prompts, comprised of the titles of our 25 published books and four upcoming titles, along with a couple fun phrases to round it out. We think our book titlesContinue reading “Daily Creativity Prompt – Moonglow on Mercy Street”

Darker Objects – Lynn White

To begin with the dark parts were small tiny black cubes in the grey, we should have seen them growing recognised their full potential noticed the blurred edges allowing them to creep onwards imperceptibly almost invisibly. And now there’s hardly a space between the black cubes and little space for brightness around them. once theContinue reading “Darker Objects – Lynn White”

Daily Creativity Prompt – Darker Objects

In honor of its 5th anniversary, Indie Blu(e) Publishing and Brave & Reckless are teaming up this November to sponsor a series of 30 daily creativity prompts, comprised of the titles of our 25 published books and four upcoming titles, along with a couple fun phrases to round it out. We think our book titlesContinue reading “Daily Creativity Prompt – Darker Objects”

Fairy of Disenchantment – Candice Louisa Daquin

Diane Nyad said women are erased we should purpose the skies with our retaliation become dragons, warriors, remind ourselves if some turn away others listen. I wake bilious and grey, my shoulder aches, my skin is dry the moisture of me seems missing I recall swimming in the sea as a child, how nothing andContinue reading “Fairy of Disenchantment – Candice Louisa Daquin”